Ballast substances - so dismissively called plant fibers in the 70s and 80s in the last century. Do not give neither energy nor vitamins, so what is the use? Therefore, people tried to clean the products from fiber by refining. However very soon it became clear that there was still a benefit, and a great deal.
Numerous studies have shown time after time that people who don’t eat enough fiber begin to gain weight, they might be in a group of increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and bowel disease. Today, nutritionists recommend actively include foods rich in fiber in the menu, and sometimes additionally enrich a diet.

Fiber can be divided into two groups
Soluble food fibers lose their original shape when in contact with water, swelling and becoming gel-like. They contribute to the growth of the population of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. And we get such fiber from the pulp of vegetables, fruits and berries, from cereals and pulses. Insoluble food fibers are shells of grains, pulses, peels of vegetables and fruits, little seeds of berries that we eat. Almost in pure form they are represented in cuts. Such fiber is often called coarse. It does not effect your body but moves along the intestine unchanged, absorbing the fluid on its.
We need both soluble and insoluble fiber, the best effect they give together.
Benefits of fiber
1. It normalizes intestinal function. Food fibers reduce the likelihood of constipation and related diseases. Several studies confirm that fiber plays an important role in the prevention of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Food fibers are needed to maintain intestinal microflora. Our body can’t digest plant fiber, while the beneficial bacteria can.

3. It helps keep your weight. Thanks to the fiber, feeling of satiety lasts longer - this avoids overeating. Also, dietary fibers slow down glucose uptake, which helps avoid spikes in blood sugar. And this is important not only for people with diabetes. Sugar jumps significantly increase appetite, which contributes to a set of extra pounds.
4. Provides natural detox. Fiber can be compared with a sponge. Passing through the intestine, it absorbs harmful substances - toxins, salts of heavy metals. This reduces the burden on the liver.
5. Improves health of vessels. Food fibers also absorb bile acids and fatty «drops» from which cholesterol is formed and then remove them from the body.
How much fiber do you need to eat a day?
Ideas about the desired level of fiber in the body varies from country to country.
The World Health Organization (WHO) considers 25-29 g of fiber per day to be optimal.
According to statistics, the average fiber consumption in developed countries is only 15 grams per day.

When you drink enough fluid, nutrients are better absorbed and the digestive system works fine. Drink regular water, tea or coffee without sugar, eat fruits and vegetables: they are also full of liquid. Have a pitcher of water and a bowl of fruit on your table.
Experts recommend to eat at least 250 g of green vegetables and 2 different fruits every day.
10 g of fiber is about two and a half apples with skin or two bananas.