We decided to find out how cold affects our body. It turned out that low temperatures affect different parts of the body in its own way.
The hypothalamus in the brain responds to signals from nerve endings that respond to cold, and secretes hormones to regulate body temperature and keep vital organs warm. At the same time, blood vessels from low temperatures are constricted. When the body is exposed to severe cold for a long period (under hypothermia), hypothalamus function can affect the process of thinking, so a person may lose the ability to think clearly when frostbite.

In winter, the body will need to consume more oxygen and pump more blood around vital organs to warm it up, so the heart is speeding up to meet this need.
Fingers and toes
Impaired blood flow especially affects the open fingers and toes (it immediately becomes noticeable because the fingers whiten and then turn blue), which leads to numbness and eventually to pain and blistering (frostbite). In advanced cases, tissue exposed to prolonged negative temperatures (deep frostbite) may die (beginning necrosis) and require surgical removal. But for this it is necessary to spend a strong frost without clothes at least half an hour.

The hormones secreted by the hypothalamus make our skin act like an insulator, keeping the body warm. This leads to the fact that the hair sticks to the body, and on the skin crawls.
The skin inside the nose can become dry, cracked and susceptible to irritation.

Usually the nose, mouth and throat are warmed and moistened before air reaches the lungs. But if the air is too cold, it can not keep warm, because of this muscle of the airway can twitch and spasm, resulting in difficulty breathing and cough. Therefore, dry cold air can cause exacerbation of asthmatic attacks.
Thin lip skin can dry, thin and crack in the cold. So do not forget to protect it more carefully than usual.

So what should we do to protect ourselves?
Taking precautions to protect our health in cold weather is more important than we think, because with a severe drop in temperature, our body becomes more susceptible to disease. Cold is not only an unpleasant phenomenon, it is important to remember the significant health risks that come with severe cold weather, and take appropriate measures to protect your body.