Why can no diet help you get rid of extra pounds, constant hunger, depression, fatigue and apathy?
We decided to find out the issues of proper nutrition and to understand how insulin affects the body and why it is so important for individuals to approach everything.

What is insulin resistance?
Usually, all the food that we consume, after being processed in the intestines, enters the blood in the form of glucose (sugar). Then , glucose, along with the bloodstream, is carried to the organs - it serves as the main source of nutrition for cells. But they can't just get it. You need a "key" that opens them so that the sugar gets inside. This is exactly what insulin does. This hormone is produced by the pancreas: it detects an increase in blood sugar and, in response, starts producing insulin.
Cells «open», absorb glucose (we feel a rush of energy), and the level of sugar in the blood decreases. As a consequence, the pancreas reduces the production of hormone, organs and tissue saturated. At the next meal, the process is repeated.

This is the regular way it is supposed to be. However, in people who struggle from insulin resistance, the cells stop responding to the «key». Glucose cannot penetrate the cell membrane, and its blood levels are rising.
As a result, a person eats, but his organs and tissues do not get the right amount of nutrients. This leads to weakness, rapid fatigue, and a sharp decline in performance. And unclaimed free sugar is transported to the fat cells and speeds up their growth, resulting in fat deposits and weight gain.
Where does insulin resistance come from?
Scientists don’t have an exact answer yet. But there are certain relationships.
So it is known that insulin resistance is most often associated with overeating. Especially when it comes to fast carbohydrates - sweets, cakes, cakes and other sweets. Such products, especially in excess, lead to a constant increase in blood sugar. To cope with it, the pancreas produces massive doses of insulin. The cells of the body gradually become accustomed to the fact that the hormone is always a lot, and lose sensitivity to it.

In addition, due to overeating, the amount of free fatty acids in the blood increases. They also reduce the sensitivity of cells to insulin.
There are no clear symptoms that would be characteristic only for this condition. Therefore, only a doctor can assume insulin resistance. And only after you pass blood tests.
How to treat insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance is not a disease. Rather, it is a risk factor that increases the susceptibility to disease. Therefore, there are no pills that would help cure low insulin sensitivity.
But the sensitivity of cells to insulin can still be increased. To do this, you just need to change your lifestyle a little.
1. Start moving more.
2. Try to get rid of belly fat. This can be achieved through both exercise and dietary modification.
3. Give up sweets (or at least, limit the amount of cakes, sweets, sweet soda in your diet).
4. Focus on healthy eating.

5. Make sure that your table has more vegetables, fruits, whole grains (bread, cereals), nuts, lean meats. If possible, add oily fish: it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin.
6. Give up smoking.
7. Try to sleep 7-9 hours per day.
To be healthy means to take care of yourself every single day!