Nutritionists are now closely studying nutritional factors that affect human consciousness, behavior, and emotional state.
When we feel depressed, poorly motivated, sad, the reasons can be multifactorial: social, little sun and fresh air, sedentary lifestyle and, of course, inadequate nutrition.

Serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is produced from the essential amino acid tryptophan.
Dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline are formed from amino acids of phenylalanine and tyrosine.
All these amino acids are produced inside our body from protein food rich on them. These essential elements are found in products such as fish, chicken, turkey, spirulina, bananas, dairy products, rice, quinoa, eggs.

But the absorption and transformation of these products into hormones of joy and pleasure will depend on whether your body has enough correct cofactors in the form of B, C, D, zinc and omega-3 vitamins. Thus, according to statistics, 80% of Russian residents experience vitamin D deficiency.
Omega-3 and vitamin D can be found in fatty fish species such as mackerel, salmon, cod liver, herring and mackerel. Zinc is found in wheat cuts, nuts, seeds, hard cheeses. Group B vitamins can be obtained from green salads, red meat and fish.

Interestingly, about 90% of serotonin is produced in the intestine, so the balance of our bacteria plays a huge role in this process. By replacing the usual food containing bad fats, bread, alcohol and sugar with healthier alternatives in the form of sour milk products, greens, legumes, vegetables and useful fats from fish, eggs and nuts, we get a healthier microbiome, which strengthens not only our immunity, but it also makes us happier and more stressful.
An excellent strategy is also to add prebiotics (which nourish our good bacteria) or probiotics (good bacteria) to regulate the processes faster. Prebiotics are found in vegetables, fruits, greens and whole-grain cereals, which contain a lot of soluble fiber: bananas, leeks, rye, garlic, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, artichokes and beans.
Modern research shows that each person’s happiness depends 50% on genetics, and 15% on circumstances such as gender, age, marital status, health, and religious beliefs. The rest is the result of the way one thinks and acts.

Endorphins are hormones of happiness in the body. There are special receptors in every person’s body that make us feel happy or sad when we make chemicals.
Happiness hormones are 10 times more potent than antidepressants. If the diet is not balanced, you receive insufficient vitamins - the level of endorphins will decrease.
There are many products that stimulate the release of hormones of happiness in the body. Check it ASAP to know how to help your body during these winter days! Stay healthy and happy!